Its good, but...
It would be better if it wasn't so enfuriating!
Its good, but...
It would be better if it wasn't so enfuriating!
Haha... somebodies made a game of it already?! :P
Not many people know that this is based on a movie... and tbh i really dont intend to watch it!
Good idea... poorly executed, why anybody would wanna play a game like this i dont know. Why would you wanna make yourself sad?
Beat that kiddys!!!
i like sheep
Neautrino are not scientifically proven yet :P ... and they are the same size as electrons and neautrons :P
But in anycase awesome work =DDD
good but not perfect
Not very good that you can get killed even on baseline, and you movements are restricted =/ could be better but its still fun
Awesome!!! but....
This is awesome... How many years has it been =O
But this will really puzzle the newbies, so go play the 1st first ;)
Absolutly Awesome!
You couldnt have made this any more fool proof =D Thanks alot man! (Y)
Joined on 7/4/08